This page lists my academic writing (peer-reviewed journal articles, other academic publications, and submitted/unpublished work), presentations, and non-academic writing. [Updated Jan 2024].
Links to the published versions (and where I'm allowed by copyright, to an open access version) are included below. If you can't get hold of these for any reason, then just get in touch and I'm happy to pass them on. You can also see citations and follow me at my Google Scholar profile, or follow me at academia.edu. Finally, my ORCID is 0000-0003-0341-3532.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
In future I'm trying to ensure that this website contains the code I used to run statistical analyses, having been persuaded by Jeremy Freese (free version here) that reproducibility and transparency should be standard in social research. Some of my earliest work, though, pre-dates this commitment to open-ness.
- Suspicious Minds? Media effects on the perception of disability benefit claimants (Geiger, In Press). Journal of Social Policy. Freely available from the JSP website.
- Welfare attitudes in a crisis: How COVID exceptionalism undermined greater solidarity (de Vries, Geiger, et al, In Press). Journal of Social Policy. Freely available from the JSP website.
- Social class bias in welfare sanctioning judgements: Experimental evidence from a nationally representative sample (de Vries, Reeves, and Geiger 2022). Social Policy & Administration, 56(5), 843-858. Data and code are available via OSF.
- Mediating the claim? How ‘local ecosystems of support’ shape the operation and experience of UK social security (Edmiston, Robertshaw, Young, Ingold, Gibbons, Summers, Scullion, Geiger, and de Vries, 2022). Social Policy & Administration 56(5):775-790. Also available via the University of Salford repository, and builds on the Welfare at a (Social) Distance report below, Navigating Pandemic Social Security: Benefits, Employment and Crisis Support during COVID-19.
- Performing trustworthiness: The ‘credibility work’ of prominent sociologists (Geiger, 2021). Sociology 55(4):785-802.
- Disabled but Not Deserving? The perceived deservingness of disability welfare benefit claimants. (Geiger, 2021). Journal of European Social Policy 31(3):337-351. The replication data/code are available here.
- Has working-age morbidity been declining? Changes over time in survey measures of general health, chronic diseases, symptoms and biomarkers in England 1994-2014 (Geiger 2020). BMJ Open 10:e032378. The paper is open access for anyone to download from the journal website.
- The growing American health penalty: International trends in the employment of older workers with poor health (Geiger, Böheim & Leoni 2019). Social Science Research, 82:18-32. An open-access post-print is available here, and the appendices are available here. The full replication code is available here.
- Assessing work disability for social security benefits: international models for the direct assessment of work capacity (Geiger, Garthwaite, Warren & Bambra 2018). Disability and Rehabilitation, 40(4):2962-2970. The paper is open access for anyone to download from the journal website.
- Benefit ‘Myths’? The Accuracy and Inaccuracy of Public Beliefs about the Benefits System (Geiger 2018). Social Policy & Administration, 52(5):998-1018. The pre-print (originally submitted) version is available here, which is also the same as the working paper from the LSE Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion available below. The web appendices and web tables - plus two of the datasets used - are available in a .zip file here.
- Success and failure in narrowing the disability employment gap: comparing levels and trends across Europe 2002-2014 (Geiger, van der Wel & Tøge 2017). BMC Public Health, 17:928. The paper is open access for anyone to download from the journal website.
- Benefits conditionality for disabled people: stylised facts from a review of international evidence and practice (Geiger 2017). Journal of Poverty & Social Justice, 25(2):107-128. The paper is open access for anyone to download from the journal website. The Web Appendices are available here.
- Did food insecurity rise across Europe after the 2008 crisis? An analysis across welfare regimes (Davis & Geiger, 2017). Social Policy & Society, 16(3):343-360. An open-access version of the post-print is available here. My co-author Owen Davis chatted about the research on BBC Radio 4's Thinking Allowed.
- Corporate social responsibility and conflicts of interest in the alcohol and gambling industries: a post-political discourse? (Geiger & Cuzzocrea, 2017). British Journal of Sociology, 68(2):254-272. An open-access pre-print (before peer review) version is available here.
- Gender Roles and Employment Pathways of Older Women and Men in England (van der Horst, Lain, Vickerstaff, Clark, & Geiger, 2017). SAGE Open, 7(4). The paper is open access for anyone to download from the journal website.
- Pathways of Paid Work, Care Provision, and Volunteering in Later Careers: Activity Substitution or Extension? (van der Horst, Vickerstaff, Lain, Clark, and Geiger, 2017). Work, Aging and Retirement, 3(4): 343-365. An open access version of this publication is available here.
- Beyond 'mythbusting': how to respond to myths and perceived undeservingness in the British benefits system (Geiger & Meueleman 2016). Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 24(3):291-306. An open-access pre-print (before peer review) version is available here.
- Can alcohol make you happy? A subjective wellbeing approach (Geiger & MacKerron 2016). Social Science & Medicine, 156(May):184-191. I wrote a piece on The Conversation on this, and it was picked up in a variety of media sources including the Daily Mail and Washington Post. George's Mappiness data is too disclosive to share, but here you find the BCS Stata code, the web appendices, and the unformatted but peer-reviewed version of the paper.
- The stigma of claiming benefits: a quantitative study (Baumberg 2016). Journal of Social Policy, 45(2):181-189. The final version of the paper is available here, and you can also download the web appendices and the data + Stata code.
- Disability prevalence and disability-related employment gaps in the UK 1998-2012: Different trends in different surveys? (Baumberg, Jones & Wass 2015). Social Science & Medicine, 141:72-81. This publication is open-access. This is a collaborative project that's still ongoing, so unfortunately I can't yet share the code. I blogged about the results here, while Vicki blogged about it over at The Conversation.
- From Impairment to Incapacity - Educational Inequalities in Disabled People's Ability to Work (Baumberg 2015). Social Policy & Administration, 49(2):182-198. The final version (an unformatted post-print) is available here, and I blogged about the paper on OpenPop.
- Fit-for-work - or work fit for disabled people? The role of changing job demands and control in incapacity claims (Baumberg, 2014). Journal of Social Policy, 43(2):289-310. Full version available here.
- The supplementary material (web appendices and Stata code for the analyses in this paper) are available here. I wanted to share the Stata code even though it's quite complex to follow; if you have any questions, then please get in touch.
- Adjusting for unrecorded consumption in survey and per capita sales data: Quantification of impact on gender- and age-specific alcohol-attributable fractions for oral and pharyngeal cancers in Great Britain (Meier, Meng, Holmes, Baumberg, Purshouse, Hill-McManus, and Brennan, 2013). Alcohol & Alcoholism, 48(2):241-249.
- Three Ways to Defend Social Security in Britain (Baumberg 2012). Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 20:149-61. Full version available here.
- The web appendices are available here.
- Communicating Alcohol Narratives: Creating a Healthier Relationship with Alcohol (Anderson, Bitarello, Baumberg, Jarl & Stuckler 2011). Journal of Health Communication, 16:27-36.
- World Trade Law and a Framework Convention on Alcohol Control [peer-reviewed editorial] (Baumberg 2010). Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 64:473-4. Full version available here.
- How Will Alcohol Sales in the UK Be Affected If Drinkers Follow Government Guidelines? (Baumberg 2009). Alcohol & Alcoholism, 44(5):523-528. Full version available here.
- The supplementary material (including Stata code) for this paper is available here, or at the data depository ICPSR.
- Trade and health: How World Trade Organisation (WTO) law affects alcohol and public health (Baumberg and Anderson 2008). Addiction, 103:1952-1958. Full version available here.
- This was published alongside a commentary: Reassurance - but not complacency - on trade law and alcohol: a response to Osterberg (Baumberg and Anderson 2008). Addiction, 103:1959-1960.
- Health, alcohol and EU law: understanding the impact of European single market law on alcohol policies (Baumberg and Anderson 2008). European Journal of Public Health, 18(4):392-398. Full version available here.
- The global economic burden of alcohol: a review and some suggestions (Baumberg 2006). Drug and Alcohol Review, 25(6):537-552. Full version available here.
(My surname changed at this point from 'Baumberg' to 'Geiger').
Other academic publications
- Building on broad support for better social security (Edmiston et al, 2023). IPPR Progressive Review, 30: 84-91.
- The rise and fall of anti-welfare attitudes across four decades: politics, pensioners and poverty(Geiger, de Vries, O'Grady & Summers, 2023). In British Social Attitudes 40. Note that my preferred version of this chapter (with the same content but the authors' choice of figures and formatting) is available here. We blogged about this chapter on the LSE Politics & Policy blog.
- Hunger and the welfare state: Food insecurity among benefit claimants during COVID-19 Geiger, Edmiston, Scullion, Summers, de Vries, Ingold, Robertshaw and Young (2021). Welfare at a (Social) Distance Project Report.
- Solidarity in a crisis? Trends in attitudes to benefits during COVID-19 de Vries, Geiger, Scullion, Summers, Edmiston, Ingold, Robertshaw and Young (2021). Welfare at a (Social) Distance Project Report. An updated version of this report was published as an academic paper.
- Should social security reach further? Ineligibility for benefits at the start of COVID-19, Geiger, Scullion, Summers, Martin, Lawler, Edmiston, Gibbons, Ingold, Robertshaw, and de Vries (2021). Welfare at a (Social) Distance Project Report.
- Non-take-up of benefits at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Geiger, Scullion, Summers, Martin, Lawler, Edmiston, Gibbons, Ingold, Robertshaw, and de Vries (2021). Welfare at a (Social) Distance Project Report.
- Submission to the House of Commons Select Committee on Work and Pensions, for their 2021 inquiry into the Disability Employment Gap (Geiger, Jones, Bryan & Wass 2021). This was not part of the initial evidence submission process; instead, the four of us were invited to give oral evidence to the Committee, and we followed this up with a joint written submission dated 18/3/2021.
- Navigating Pandemic Social Security: Benefits, Employment and Crisis Support during COVID-19, Edmiston, Robertshaw, Gibbons, Ingold, Geiger, Scullion, Summers, and Young (2021). Welfare at a (Social) Distance Project Report. Parts of this report were later published as an academic paper.
- Claimants' experiences of the social security system during the first wave of COVID-19, Summers, Scullion, Geiger, Robertshaw, Edmiston, Gibbons, Karagiannaki, De Vries and Ingold (2021). Welfare at a (Social) Distance Project Report. It was covered in the Guardian.
- At the edge of the safety net: Unsuccessful benefits claims at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Geiger, Scullion, Summers, Martin, Lawler, Edmiston, Gibbons, Ingold, Karagiannaki, Robertshaw, and de Vries, R (2020). Welfare at a (Social) Distance Rapid Report #3. It was covered in the Guardian and the Big Issue.
- Who are the new COVID-19 cohort of benefit claimants?, Edmiston, Geiger, De Vries, Scullion, Summers, Ingold, Robertshaw, Gibbons, and Karagiannaki (2020). Welfare at a (Social) Distance Rapid Report #2.
- Claiming But Connected to Work.(Geiger, Karagiannaki, Edmiston, Scullion, Summers, Ingold, Robertshaw, and Gibbons (2020). Welfare at a (Social) Distance Rapid Report #1.
- The Growing American Health Penalty: International Trends in the Employment of Older Workers with Poor Health (Geiger, Böheim & Leoni 2018). IZA Discussion Paper 11769.
- Submission to the House of Commons Select Committee on Work and Pensions, for their inquiry into 'Benefit Sanctions'. (Geiger 2018), submission dated 25/5/2018. This is also available from the inquiry website (as html or PDF). I later submitted further written evidence on 4/7/2018, again available via html or pdf.
- A Better WCA is Possible: disability assessment, public opinion and the benefits system (Geiger 2018). London: Demos. You can read the executive summary here, the full version here, and the online appendix here. A blog post setting out some of my recomendations for a better WCA was published in Total Politics.
- Ahead of the release of the report, some findings on benefits conditionality were featured in the Observer under the headline 'A million benefit sanctions imposed on disabled people since 2010', which was then followed up in a Guardian comment piece by Frances Ryan. As I put on this website alongside the Observer piece, these figures can also be found in my 2017 paper 'Benefits conditionality for disabled people: stylised facts from a review of international evidence and practice' published (open-access) here (p109-111), and the appendices that provide the source for the UK benefit sanctions data is here.
- The report builds on a number of other publications - see the full list here.
- Inequalities in the application of welfare sanctions in Britain (de Vries, Reeves and Geiger 2017). LSE International Inequalities Working paper #15. SocArXiv doi:10.31235/osf.io/exn68.
- 'False Beliefs and the Perceived Deservingness of Social Security Benefit Claimants' (Geiger 2017). Chapter 4 in The Social Legitimacy of Targeted Welfare Attitudes to Welfare Deservingness, edited by Wim van Oorschot, Femke Roosma, Bart Meuleman & Tim Reeskens. The pre-print version is available here, and if you want a copy of the final paper and don't have access then just drop me an email.
- Submission to the House of Commons Select Committee on Work and Pensions, for their inquiry into 'PIP and ESA assessments'. (Geiger 2017), submission dated 11/11/2017. This is also available from the inquiry website in Word and PDF.
- 'Disability assessment: a better WCA is possible' (Geiger 2017). Ch3 (p32-41) of Opportunity for all Essays on transforming employment for disabled people and those with health conditions, published by the Learning and Work Institute and the Shaw Trust.
- Introduction to the special issue on 'Disability and Conditional Social Security Benefits (Geiger 2017). This is the introduction to the special issue that includes my own paper on benefits conditionality above, as well as several other really interesting articles. A blog post summarising the editorial is available here.
- Tax avoidance and benefit manipulation: Views on its morality and prevalence (Geiger, Reeves & de Vries 2017). In Clery, Curtice, and Harding (eds.), British Social Attitudes 34, London: NatCen. We wrote two blog posts on the release of the report, one on the main findings of the chapter, the other on the sharp softening of attitudes towards benefit claimants. Rob & Aaron also wrote a piece in the Guardian later that year.
- Submission to the DWP consultation on the Work, Health & Disability Green Paper (Geiger 2017), submission dated 13/2/2017. The consultation webpage is here.
- Benefit ‘Myths’? The accuracy and inaccuracy of public beliefs about the benefits system (Baumberg 2016). CASEpaper 199, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE), London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE). This has since been published in the journal Social Policy & Administration, see above for details.
- Submission to the House of Commons Select Committee on Work and Pensions, for their inquiry into the 'Disability employment gap' (Geiger, Jones & Wass 2016). This is also available from the inquiry website (as html or PDF).
- Job Quality and the Self-employed: Is It Still Better to Work for Yourself? (Baumberg and Meager 2015). Ch6 in Felstead, Gallie & Green (eds.), Unequal Britain at Work, Oxford: Oxford University Press. A version of this was published by my co-author in the International Review of Entrepreneurship.
- Corporate Social Responsibility (Baumberg et al 2015). ALICE RAP Deliverable 11.2 - Addiction and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe: Reframing Addictions Project (ALICE RAP). Also available here.
- Rethinking the Work Capability Assessment (Baumberg, Warren, Garthwaite and Bambra 2015). London: Demos. The executive summary is available as a separate file here.
- Disability, long-term conditions and poverty (MacInnes, Tinson, Horgan, Baumberg and Gaffney 2014). London: New Policy Institue, for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. This was covered by the Disability News Service 18/7/2014.
- Benefits and the cost of living: Pressures on the cost of living and attitudes to benefit claiming (Baumberg 2014). In: British Social Attitudes: the 31st Report (ed. Park,A, Bryson,C and Curtice,J). London: NatCen Social Research. I blogged about this at LSE Politics & Policy.
- Addicts' share of alcohol and tobacco expenditures (Baumberg 2014). Report 1 in Disley et al (2014), Addiction Revenues: ALICE RAP Deliverable 11.2 - Addiction and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe: Reframing Addictions Project (ALICE RAP). Also available here.
- Dismantling the barriers to social mobility (Gaffney and Baumberg 2014). London: Trades Union Congress (TUC). This was a very small project resulting in a pamphlet (Touchstone Extra Pamphlet #12); one of my main contributions was looking at public attitudes to mobility, and while this was cut from the final report for space reasons, I blogged about the results here.
- Benefits stigma in Britain (Baumberg, Bell and Gaffney 2012). London: Elizabeth Finn Care/Turn2us.The web appendices are available here.
- Aside from our one-page summary in the report itself, you can also read short blogs on several different bits of the report - we've written on perceived fraud in the benefits system (on Inequalities), the role of the media (on the New Statesman blog, and a longer version here). Other people have written about the report in the Guardian (see this note on the figure used in the article; they also put this on their Datablog). [There are also blogs that are now longer available online, including by us at how benefits stigma is misunderstood (on LSE Politics & Policy), and by other people at the TUC's Touchstone blog (also reposted on Liberal Conspiracy). The associated 'mythbusting' is included under 'non-academic publications' below.
- How many qualitative interviews are enough? I contributed to this publication by the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM), edited by Sarah Elsie Baker & Rosalind Edwards, and including some big names in qualitative research (as well as other early career people like me). It has now been downloaded over 100,000 times (!).
- The role of increasing job strain in deteriorating fitness-for-work and rising incapacity benefit receipt (Baumberg 2011). PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). This thesis was (jointly) awarded the Richard Titmuss prize for the best thesis in Social Policy at LSE in 2011/12. The web appendices are are available here.
- Self-reported fitness-for-work in Britain: trends and implications (Baumberg 2011). In Vickerstaff,S; Phillipson,C; and Wilkie, R (eds), Work, Health and Well-being: The challenges of managing health at work. Policy Press.
- The methodological web appendices to this chapter are available for download here
- Cost benefit analyses of alcohol policy - a primer (Anderson and Baumberg 2010). Prepared for the SMART (Standardizing Measurement of Alcohol-Related Troubles) project.
- Best practice in estimating the costs of alcohol - Recommendations for future studies (Baumberg 2010). Copenhagen: World Health Organisation - Regional Office for Europe.
- Economic impacts of alcohol pricing policy options in the UK (Hunt, Rabinovich and Baumberg 2010). Cambridge: RAND Europe for the Home Office. A 2011 version is available from the RAND website
- The European strategy on alcohol: a landmark and a lesson [non peer-reviewed editorial] (Baumberg and Anderson 2007). Alcohol and Alcoholism, 42(1):1-2.
- Alcohol: Price, Policy and Public Health (SHAAP 2007). Report on the Findings of the Expert Workshop on Price convened by SHAAP (Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems)
- Alcohol in Europe: A Public Health Perspective (Anderson and Baumberg 2006). London: Institute of Alcohol Studies for the European Commission.
- The value of alcohol policies: A review of the likely economic costs and benefits of policies to reduce alcohol-related harm on the global level (Baumberg 2006). Paper commissioned by the World Health Organisation for the WHO Expert Committee on Alcohol Problems.
- Stakeholders' views of alcohol policy (Anderson and Baumberg 2006). Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Other Drugs (English Supplement), 6:393:414.
- Alcohol in Europe: Health, social and economic impact (Anderson and Baumberg 2006). Eurohealth 12(2):17-20.
Book review of 'Corporate Social Responsibility and the Welfare State' (Brejning 2012). Social Policy and Administration, 47(7):850-852.
Book review of 'Understanding Disability Policy' (Roulstone & Prideaux 2011). Disability & Society. 28(3):427-428.
A new resource for secondary analysis of alcohol: the UK Alcohol Data Map [news and notes] (Baumberg and Bennetts 2008). Addiction, 103:1053.
Alcohol policy: who should sit at the table? [letter] (Anderson and Baumberg 2007). Addiction, 102:335-6.
Non-academic writing
You can find my postings on the Inequalities blog either here, or for older posts, here - between Sep 2010 and June 2014, I've posted over 100 times, was then more sporadic 2014-23, and resumed blogging regularly in 2024. During my Rethinking Incapacity project 2014-2017, I also wrote a dozen posts on disability and the benefits system (highlights here). Aside from these, I've written the following:
- The fall of anti-welfare attitudes (led by Kate Summers, and also with Rob de Vries and Tom O'Grady), LSE Social Policy blog, 21/9/2023.
- As you were: How the pandemic failed to change what we think key workers should earn (led by Rob de Vries, and also with Tina Haux), LSE Social Policy blog, 23/2/2021.
- Sharp softening of attitudes to benefit claimants, reveals new data (with Aaron Reeves & Rob de Vries), NatCen blog, 28/6/2017.
- Tax avoidance and benefit manipulation: a double standard? (first-authored by Aaron Reeves, also with Rob de Vries), NatCen blog, 28/6/2017.
- Does drink really make you happy?, The Conversation, 27/6/2016.
- Ashamed to claim? Just how common is benefits stigma?, LSE Politics & Policy blog, 3/6/2016.
- Written evidence to the UK Parliament Work and Pensions Select Committe Disability Employment Gap Inquiry (with Victoria Wass and Melanie Wass), 11/5/2016.
- The strong but declining support for pensioner benefits (with Peter Taylor-Gooby), LSE Politics & Policy blog, 26/3/2015.
- The inequality of incapacity, OpenPop, 17/8/2015.
- What is incapacity? Demos Quarterly, Issue #3 (Summer 2014), published 18/7/2014.
- Attitudes to benefits are not as negative as they seem. This appeared on The Conversation to accompany the release of the British Social Attitudes chapter, above, on 17/6/2014.
- Perceived social mobility: do we think that money buys success?, with Declan Gaffney. This appeared on the LSE Politics & Policy blog with the title, 'Perceptions of social mobility in Britain are characterised by a strange paradox', 12/5/2014. Declan also wrote a further post on the TUC Social Mobility report (above) for the TUC's Toucstone blog.
- Read between the lines: confronting the myths about the benefits system, a 'mythbusting' with Kate Bell and Declan Gaffney for the charities Elizabeth Finn Care/Turn2us. Related versions include our earlier version for Red Pepper (version with footnotes), and a version produced by the trade union think-tank Class based on both of these. Note that I'm currently reflecting on the idea of 'myths', so my views are developing in this area - watch this space...
- Benefit cuts, welfare reform and inequality, in 'The Coalition Government and income inequality', One Society 2012.
- Has the Labour party's approach to sick and disabled people shifted?, with Kaliya Franklin & Declan Gaffney, LabourList, 17/5/2012.
- Labour's failings on disability, Left Foot Forward, 13/1/2012.
- Let's all be open about what we earn, the Guardian's Comment is Free blog, 3/12/2010.
- Should we defend the middle-class welfare state?, Left Foot Forward, 7/10/2010.
Unpublished papers and rejections of now-published papers
Inspired by this wonderful blog post, I think it's important to reveal the inevitable, yet still-painful failures involved in publishing academic papers. (Bearing in mind the critiques of this kind of thing, I should make clear that I'm not saying academic publication is a pure meritocracy that rewards effort - just that it inevitably involves failure!). So in this section I list the rejections that occurred for the papers above before they were published, and (even more painfully), the papers that never made it... (These are available to anyone that wants them on request, but are mainly destined to sit unread on my computer). This will doubtlessly seem strange to many people, but let me know if the post inspires you to do the same!
- Suspicious Minds? Interpersonal contact, media frames, and the perceived deservingness of disability welfare benefit claimants (Geiger). This was rejected after review by American Sociological Review, and is currently being split into two papers to be re-submitted to journals in 2021.
- Disabled but Not Deserving? The deservingness heuristic and the politics of disability welfare benefits (Geiger). This was rejected after review by American Journal of Political Science, before being accepted by Journal of European Social Policy listed above.
- Has working-age morbidity been declining? Trends in general health, chronic diseases, symptoms and biomarkers in England 1994-2014 (Geiger). This was desk rejected by both Demography and Social Science & Medicine (for being descriptive rather than theoretical) before being accepted by BMJ Open, listed above.
- Benefit ‘Myths’? The Accuracy and Inaccuracy of Public Beliefs about the Benefits System (Baumberg). This was desk rejected by the British Journal of Political Science before being accepted by Social Policy & Administration 2017.
- Can alcohol (policies) make you happy? A critique of the consumer surplus approach, and an empirical alternative (Baumberg & Mackerron). Rejected by Addiction (after R&R, 2015) - for reasons that I really didn't agree with - before being published by Social Science & Medicine 2016.
- Does the alcohol industry have a real economic motive to behave 'responsibly'? A critical investigation of the motives for Corporate Social Responsibility according to CSR professionals (Baumberg). Rejected by Social Science & Medicine (after R&R, 2010), before eventually becoming subsumed in British Journal of Sociology 2016.
- Convenient truths: An empirical investigation of moral perceptions of 'alcohol industry' employees, and the implications for theories of moral decision-making (Baumberg). Rejected by Journal of Business Ethics (2009).
- Contradictions in the desire to work past pension age: 'Third Age work', flexibility, and the later working agenda (Baumberg). Rejected by Social Policy & Administration (2008).
- Alcohol in the economy: The costs and benefits of alcohol and the alcohol trade (Baumberg & Anderson). Rejected by a Special Issue of Addiction (2007).
I keep wondering whether I should publish rejection letters or not - inspired by Granovetter - but it's not clear if this will simply antagonise editors/reviewers...
There's also one paper on which I'm a minor author that was rejected before being published - but as my co-authors don't list their rejections, I won't provide any further details here.
There are also funding bids that have been rejected: an ESRC/MRC Post-Doc Fellowship (2009), and various bids that I was a part of but didn't lead on, including (i) 2010 (parts of which were funded in the broader ESRC/MRC project led by Sarah Vickerstaff 2014-2016), (ii) 2013, for an ESRC Centre for Research on Social Security (led by Prof Karen Rowlingson, which was shortlisted but ultimately not funded), (iii) 2018, for a UK Prevention Research Partnership for Welfare, Mental Health and Wellbeing (led by Prof Clare Bambra); (iv) 2019, for an international project on intellectual humility (led by Prof Nancy Cartwright, to the John Templeton Foundation); and (v) 2020, an international comparison of inequalities during/after the COVID-19 pandemic (led by Prof Kjetil van der Wel; initially rejected by the Norwegian Research Council, but since resubmitted under another funding call, decision pending).
My presentations list is mainly kept as a reference list for myself, but just in case you want to look at these you can access the list here.
At various times since 2015 I was on on the England national advisory group of DRILL, the editorial board of the Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, and sat on the Wellcome Trust Society & Ethics Early Career Expert Review Group. Previously, from 2009-2012 I was an associate editor for the journal Addiction, and from 2012-2015 I was on the Executive of the Social Policy Association. I've peer-reviewed for the MRC, ESRC, Leverhulme Trust, and numerous journals; and I've acted as a (nominally) paid reviewer for the UK Department of Work and Pensions, the Department of Health, and the Alcohol Education & Research Council (AERC).
A more detailed CV - including positions, qualifications, a list of grants, skills/experience (teaching, research and other), and references - is available on request.